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Von Miles

GM and SVP, Health Plan Business, Ovia Health

Von is the GM and Senior Vice President of Health Plan Business at Ovia Health. Her team takes immense pride in providing the most comprehensive and impactful platform for women's and family health. Ovia offers a wide range of services covering women's preventive health, pregnancy, parenting, and menopause. Von's teams are dedicated to revenue growth, retention, and customer satisfaction. With almost three decades of experience in healthcare, Von excels in strategic thinking, growing businesses, formulating purposeful visions, collaborating on initiatives, and engaging with external stakeholders.

Before joining Ovia, Von held executive positions with health plans and hospital healthcare provider groups. Notably, she served as the Chief Commercial Officer of the health plan division at MOBE Health. There, she successfully implemented a market-oriented strategy to achieve growth and profitability objectives in the competitive healthcare landscape.

Von holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Indiana University.