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Preventing Serious Illness with Routine Care and Screenings


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Published on Sep 13, 2022

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Resource Details

Every American deserves access to preventive care and screenings that are essential to reducing the risk for many diseases. Cancer screenings, dental check-ups, routine physical exams, and vaccinations are key to keeping Americans of all ages healthy and identifying potential problems early. Proactively seeking care and tackling health issues helps people stay healthy and reduces the risk of patients’ conditions advancing and requiring additional care.

Key Takeaways

  • Every American deserves access to preventive care and screenings to catch conditions early before they progress.
  • Many preventive screenings and services recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and the Health Resources and Services Administration are covered with no cost to patients, including routine cancer screenings, annual wellness visits, and recommended vaccines.
  • Health insurance providers are leading the way by encouraging the people they serve to get their recommended preventive services and incentivizing providers to ensure that their patients are up to date with these important preventive screenings.