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The Next Big Thing in Health

Conversations where we explore the new big ideas that will help make health care more affordable, more available, and more effective.

In each episode, AHIP is joined by a health care leader who shines a light on the big thing they want to see America focus on for health care improvement — from the impact of new technology like artificial intelligence to innovative solutions to effectively serve consumers.

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Why Medicaid Matters: Matt Salo

Why does Medicaid matter? It’s a lifeline for many communities — for example, it covers nearly half of all births in the United States, and it’s the largest provider of mental health support, stressed Matt Salo, founder and CEO of Salo Health Strategies, and former executive director of the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

Salo sat down with us to share what it means to connect with America’s most vulnerable people through Medicaid and how to speak their language. He also covers the innovative work in this space, particularly from health insurance providers, to address social barriers to care.

Listen in for his one-of-a-kind perspective on the importance of communication and collaboration.

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Conversations in Care

Conversations in Care is a special series of The Next Big Thing in Health where we come together to have frank, honest, and heartfelt conversations about the defining issues in health care, with care.

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